

220.00 215.00 /1kg

The apple is a pome (fleshy) fruit, in which the ripened ovary and surrounding tissue both become fleshy and edible. … When harvested, apples are usually roundish, 5–10 cm (2–4 inches) in diameter, and some shade of red, green, or yellow in colour; they vary in size, shape, and acidity depending on the variety.



170.00 165.00 /1kg

Grown at a height of 9710 ft above sea level, Kinnaur apples are juicy, sweet and last really really long. Every bite is sharp, and you can literally taste the difference. Apples from this region are known to have a thicker skin, which helps in better shelf life of the apple.

Baby Corn

40.00 35.00 /200g

Baby corn (also known as young corn, cornlets or baby sweetcorn) is a cereal grain taken from corn (maize) harvested early while the stalks are still small and immature. It typically is eaten whole – cob included – in contrast to mature corn, whose cob is too tough for human consumption.

Baby Spinach

100.00 /1 Box

Baby spinach is harvested when the leaves are still small and tender, providing a mild, sweet taste. Baby spinach leaves are green with slight veins or furrows and short, edible stems.

Bell Peppers

50.00 47.00 /250g

Bell pepper plants are short bushes with woody stems that grow brightly colored fruits. The alternating leaves are elliptical, smooth edged, and come to a distinct point. The plant produces white or purple bell-shaped flowers which are 2.5 cm (1 in) in diameter.

Black Grapes

1 Box

100.00 96.00 /500g

Grape (Vitis vinifera) is grown from temperate to warm regions; however, hot and dry climate is ideal. Indian grapes come in varied characteristics namely coloured, white, seeded, unseeded, large and small berries. Indian grapes are successfully grown at and above 250 mean sea level.


(3 fruit and 8 seasonal veg)

16.00 12.00 /each

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100.00 92.00 /1kg

Sapodilla or sapota (chikoo) is another popular tropical fruit. Sapota composes of soft, easily digestible pulp made of simple sugars like fructose and sucrose. Sapota is a tropical evergreen, fruit-bearing tree belongs to the family of Sapotaceae.